

Overview of our Curriculum
This is a brief overview of our curriculum.  Please feel free to discuss this further with the class teacher.  Each half term your child's teacher will share what the children will be learning.
What We Want to Achieve With Our Curriculum
A Typical Day - What our Curriculum Looks like in Practice
What Are Topics And Why Do We Arrange Our Curriculum Into Topics
What Are Event Weeks And Why Do We Have Them
Event weeks happen every half term  They are exciting memorable moments that the children talk about for years to come.  They make learning fun.


Religious Education

We teach RE through Cornwall’s Agreed syllabus. This was last updated in 2020. It ensures a coherent and progressive approach to the teaching of RE across the school from Year R to Year 6. Children will learn to reflect on and discuss challenging questions about life and meaning though the study of Christianity and of the other principal religions present in our country and in our county. This forms a key part in helping children to understand their own heritage and modern Britain.

Religious education is statutory for all pupils registered on the school roll. However parents/guardians  have the right to withdraw their children from Religious education. Any parents or guardians considering this should discuss it with the Headteacher.


Reception (Early Years Foundation stage)

Reception provides a curriculum based around the Early Learning goals. The EYFS team create a curriculum that is bespoke to the children, their interests and needs and this is changed and revised daily depending on what the children are enjoying and enthused about.  All the learning experiences provided within EYFS link to the early learning goals and help the children develop the basic foundations needed to be a good learner as they progress through the school.   For parents of reception children the planning for the week ahead is available to see in class on the planning wall.