

Our Safeguarding Statement
Everyone at school has a responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our children. We take this responsibility very seriously so that your children are safe. If there are concerns regarding the safety of your child we will discuss these with you openly and honestly. Everyone who works at our school has had safeguarding training. The school fully complies with its’s legal responsibility to share any significant concerns with other agencies. Craig (Head Teacher) is the designated safeguarding lead, Nicola (Assistant Head) and Claire (PSA) are the deputy leads.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (DFE, 2023) as:


  • protecting children from maltreatment
  • preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The Prevent Duty involves working positively to protect young people from radicalisation.

You may have heard about the Prevent Duty, which aims to prevent young people from being radicalised by, for example, far-right extremists or religious extremists.

In school, we have a duty to care for the children and take note of any child who is at risk of radicalisation, regardless of their background. We also must take steps to help prevent children from being exposed to extremist ideas. Our overriding concern is that children feel safe and also express tolerance towards all cultures and religions, even when personal views may be different. Please read the booklet below for more information.

 Our School Single point of contact is: Craig Robertson

 A leaflet for parents explaining the Prevent duty can be found here.

Operation Encompass

Berrycoombe Primary  School is an Operation Encompass School.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has been exposed to or involved in, any domestic incident.

Operation Encompass ensures that a member of the school staff, known as a Key Adult, is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared in confidence. This enables us to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been involved in or exposed to, a domestic abuse incident.

Our Key Adult is Claire Johnson.