Our Library is online
Teachers will have supplied you with Myon log in details.
Once your child has logged on, they will have access Myon which is like Netflix for books. There are over 5700 books that you child can read. A whole library at their finger tips.
The books are carefully leveled so they match your child’s reading level. There are thousands of books to read, and children have the option of reading themselves, or having the book read to them. They can instantly look up words they do not know and are able to take short online multiple-choice quizzes at the end of the book to see how well they have understood.
This uses the same accelerated reader technology we use in school with the older children (KS2) and teachers can assess and feedback on how your child is doing. The children already understand what to do but just in case, each teacher has provided a short tutorial on their class page on the school website. Just click on the ‘Classroom’ tab and select your child’s class.
Happy reading.