
COVID Funding 2020-2021

COVID Funding 2020-2021

We have approximately £17,000 COVID funding from the government to support with the impact of lockdown. 

Year 4 and Year 5 is where we will target our COVID funding with some additional support for Year 3 for writing and phonics.  Spending includes-

  • £5,000 on extra support for the Nurture team for the first term.  This allows each class to be appropriately supported and ensures children are integrated back into school and learning
  • £1,500 on music therapy for our most emotionally vulnerable pupils (post lockdown) this is unrelated to the existing music therapy provision
  • £1,500 on additional after school tuition for year 6 (for remainder of the year)
  • £2,500 on additional after school and afternoon tuition for year 5 (for remainder of the year)
  • £1200 on additional after school and afternoon tuition for year 4 (for remainder of the year)
  • £300 RWinc books to support reading and writing in year
Total spend so far is £12,000- £5000 still to allocate
Impact will be evaluated using nurture team data around numbers of children pro actively and re actively receiving therapeutic support over time.
Progress data for identified groups receiving tuition.
Phonics progress data tracked using Read Write Inc assessments.
A review of spending this year and a statement for the Covid Catch up Premium can be found as part of our Pupil Premium Statement which can be found in the Pupil Premium Funding section of this page.